Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bonne Fire Night

First Bonne Fire Night in 5 years without heavy winds, heavy rainy snow or snowy-rain.  The first one to really be outside burning things and watching fire works.   The fire works were first rate, and left over from the Fall Festival for GBS-  that night was toooooo terrible to have a fire and fireworks.  Lots of families out for this.  Pikes Garage sponsored the weiner roast and offered Marshmallows:  a little fire was built for  that one.  

Gros Morne With Snow

There has been snow on the high hills for the past two weeks.  Thick snow on Gros Morne, until yesterday, when a warm front blew in... it has crept up to 17 degrees!   Rain again today, and I doubt it's snowing up on the hills, probably quickly melting away, to expose rock and dried grasses and bare trees again. 

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