Monday, November 28, 2011

the killing moon

well, it is the time in the year that the snow is starting to stick, that the ground starts to freeze.   It's the time of the slaughter too.  

The moose hunt has been on since the first weekend in September, and it has been a slow hunt.  Moose don't seem to be as abundant as they once were in the park, nor out in Zone 5, just outside the south part of the park.  

The turkeys, ducks and chickens mostly are killed, and the last few have a short span left... they are filling freezers.   Calves and cattle coming in from Chimney Cove are being slaughtered too, hanging to chill in barns and sheds throughout Trout River.   Not too many lambs were around to become roasts: the coyotes had really hit the sheep hard this summer.

The pigs are being done now too.   I never went to say hi to our pig: I love pigs as animals toooooo much.   I am upset about the pig going.   He had a happy life though, in his little barn by the sea, being fed leftover scraps and apples fallen on frozen ground.  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

5 Weeks of Blizzards

Been trying to get out and get some air... but 5 weeks of blizzard have been crazy!!!  We have been housebound and going steadily more stir crazy.  Keep the axes away from us.  Even the Anglican Minister is starting to look suprisingly like Jack Nicholson in the Shining.

Photos would consist of driving snow.  Winds gusting to 110 km/hr, but usually just blowing at 50-60 km/hr.   In 5 weeks of snow, we've gotten about 3.3 meters of snow (more than 9 feet!!).

A peak at the Tablelands between storms.