Monday, December 20, 2010

Tablelands in Winter

Winter, 2010 has been warm and grey and rainy.   But, here are some photos of other winters to get everyone ready for what should come...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gros Morne Mountain, from the WP town Trail

Winter seems to come and go late fall.  Snow here, then gone.  Sun one moment, then gone too.   Rain, mist, all too often.  One day, warm South-westerlys,  the next, bitter Northerlies.   When the sun comes, people sneak out of doors.  things can be left for later.  Even Pete stands in front of his building, enjoying what little moments of sun come our way.

The light and the sky are dramatic and more powerful than the land and the sea.  That is what happens here in November, December.  On the Tablelands today, the light was so low that the shadows of crept across the rocky barrens for dozens of feet.  The faint tracks of caribou seemed much deeper and darker in that low angle light, as if they're written in ink on the ground, rather than by dust.